Monday, October 17, 2011

Julie, Tracy and the Bees

My daughter, Tracy, and I decided last winter that we wanted to keep bees, so we joined the Albuquerque Beekeepers Association and started learning about them and put an order in for 4 lbs.of bees. Apparently, that is about 4,000 bees and we had decided to use a top bar hive so we had a third partner build the hive and we were off and running. (Although you don't want to run around a bee hive!) Since we started this in one of the worst dry spells we have ever had and the bees did not have enough plant life to work with, we were determined to have a healthy hive. I think that comes under "ignorance is bliss", but onward we went. We learned that we needed to supplement their food with sugar water and have drinking water close by. I proceeded to buy plants that the bees really like, (the hive is at my house, not Tracy's house) in hopes that it would make a difference to their survival. It seemed to work; they have flourished and were doing fine. Then the robber bees arrived and took all their honey! Never heard of such a thing, but we made the entrance smaller and the bees were able to fight off the robbers and we are back to enough honey for the winter, just in time. In a couple of weeks we will not be checking on the bees because of the cold and will not open up the hive until March. More on the bees then. Julie Denison, Associate Broker