Friday, December 4, 2009

Another Beautiful Scene in Placitas

On Thursday morning, December 3, we Placitans awakened to a beautiful frosting of snow on most of our familiar views – some areas with more than a “frosting”. For those of us who live a little farther west and south off Highway 165, it was just enough snow to make it beautiful, but not dangerous to drive. The mountains were still under a blanket of clouds, and the rabbits and birds were leaving little footprints all around the feeders as I left for work. Then, while admiring the views from here at our beautiful La Puerta building, I spotted this beautiful,, feather-y grass in the back of the building. “She” was still dressed in “her” pretty pinkish hewed frock, and still mostly standing with “her” usual proud posture, but was now also dressed in a soft coat of fresh, white snow. The contrasts were so gorgeous that I could not resist photographing it to share with others. Living in Placitas is truly beautiful for me, and I’m thankful that I can live here!
~Eva Marie Renninger, Transaction Coordinator